Growing up, I was an active child. I loved and played many sports. When I was 8 years old, out of nowhere, I started feeling a lot of pain in my back.

I was diagnosed with scoliosis and put in a brace to support my spine. One by one, I had to quit every sport and activity I loved. There’s no cure for scoliosis, so I had to learn to live with pain. And a brace.


Growing up, I was an active child. I loved and played many sports. When I was 8 years old, out of nowhere, I started feeling a lot of pain in my back.

I was diagnosed with scoliosis and put in a brace to support my spine. One by one, I had to quit every sport and activity I loved. There’s no cure for scoliosis, so I had to learn to live with pain. And a brace.


As a young adult, I searched for anything that would help me ease the pain that was becoming debilitating. Physical therapy, massage, yoga, sessions with a chiropractor.

Although these helped, the relief was temporary and barely lasted a few days. In 2011, while waiting for my health insurance to approve a spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis, I tried my very first Pilates class. I was blown away!

The intimidating presence of the equipment, the resistance of the springs, the intensity and precision required of each movement, the mental calm I experienced after every class. I fell in love. And the results were revolutionary!

After doing Pilates for only few months I’d experienced the freedom in my body that I never had before. My back pain disappeared, my flexibility dramatically increased, I felt strong, and had limitless energy. I no longer needed the surgery.


As a young adult, I searched for anything that would help me ease the pain that was becoming debilitating. Physical therapy, massage, yoga, sessions with a chiropractor.

Although these helped, the relief was temporary and barely lasted a few days. In 2011, while waiting for my health insurance to approve a spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis, I tried my very first Pilates class. I was blown away!

The intimidating presence of the equipment, the resistance of the springs, the intensity and precision required of each movement, the mental calm I experienced after every class. I fell in love. And the results were revolutionary!

After doing Pilates for only few months I’d experienced the freedom in my body that I never had before. My back pain disappeared, my flexibility dramatically increased, I felt strong, and had limitless energy. I no longer needed the surgery.

I spent the next decade of my life searching for and training with the best teachers in the world. Already a certified instructor, hungry for more knowledge, I attended many Classical Pilates workshops and conferences.

But it was by pure chance, while vacationing in Italy, that I met my teacher and mentor, Patricia Medros, a second generation Classical Pilates teacher and teacher trainer based in Rome.

I spent the next decade of my life searching for and training with the best teachers in the world. Already a certified instructor, hungry for more knowledge, I attended many Classical Pilates workshops and conferences.

But it was by pure chance, while vacationing in Italy, that I met my teacher and mentor, Patricia Medros, a second generation Classical Pilates teacher and teacher trainer based in Rome.


Patricia’s knowledge of the Pilates method, human body, movement, and mind-body connection, make her unlike any other teacher. To this day, I haven’t met a teacher whose knowledge and expertise surpass hers.

Today, I practice and teach Pilates the way she does —with biomechanical accuracy and without muscle and joint compensation. I feel the difference, and so do my clients. Our bodies are becoming truly strong, from within out.


Patricia’s knowledge of the Pilates method, human body, movement, and mind-body connection, make her unlike any other teacher. To this day, I haven’t met a teacher whose knowledge and expertise surpass hers.

Today, I practice and teach Pilates the way she does —with biomechanical accuracy and without muscle and joint compensation. I feel the difference, and so do my clients. Our bodies are becoming truly strong, from within out.

But it’s more than my body that’s changing. Yes, I got in the best shape of my life but the real transformation was happening on the inside.

Through the years, Pilates gave me the power and courage to look deep inside myself and heal old physiological trauma, it gave me confidence to walk away from relationships that were no longer serving me, quit a soul-sucking job, follow my joy and become a Pilates instructor.

And later, open my own studio—a business that helps people like YOU be and feel their best.

But it’s more than my body that’s changing. Yes, I got in the best shape of my life but the real transformation was happening on the inside.

Through the years, Pilates gave me the power and courage to look deep inside myself and heal old physiological trauma, it gave me confidence to walk away from relationships that were no longer serving me, quit a soul-sucking job, follow my joy and become a Pilates instructor.

And later, open my own studio—a business that helps people like YOU be and feel their best.



Certified Pilates Instructor under Excel Pilates Teacher Training Program, Washington DC

Over 1,000 hours of apprenticeship and continuing education with Patricia Medros Professional Pilates Teacher Training Program, Rome Italy

Certified Functional Range Conditioning (FRC®) Mobility Specialist


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