From the beginning Victoria exceeded any expectations I had. I felt like she was very invested in me and really cared I got something out of Pilates and saw changes in my body and practice.

Before working with Victoria, I felt pretty good, but I didn’t even realize how much better I was capable of feeling. I feel stronger and younger than I ever have. I had definitely been seeing results in my group sessions with Victoria but taking privates have taken things to a whole other level. After just 10 weeks of private lessons with Victoria it’s like she unlocked a new level for my body that I didn’t know existed!I can do the dreaded Roll Up in a way I had never been able to do in my 10+ years of Pilates practice with other teachers.

After couple of years of doing Pilates with Victoria I feel overall so much stronger. But not just like oh, I can lift heavy things, my body feels like it works better together. Ultimately I just want to feel good but I have noticed physical changes too. My midsection is more toned than ever, even after 2 kids! My legs and glutes are more toned and shapely than they have been since my 20s! Sometimes I find myself wishing I could have been training with Victoria years ago.

I also love how Victoria is genuinely invested in your goals and progress. She listens and understands your needs and finds ways to meet your goals. She truly cares and wants everyone to feel their very best. It is clear that teaching Pilates is more than just Pilates for Victoria, she truly wants to help her clients feel and move their best. And you can feel her passion when she teaches. Honestly, I wish everyone could take classes with Victoria. Not only would they feel better but I guarantee there would be less injuries and discomfort and a lot more confidence!

She shows you that you are capable of so much more than you know. By nature I have a tendency to do things, especially when it comes to exercise, just good enough. Victoria never accepts just good enough! She pushes you and knows you are capable of so much more. In the moment you might hate her for it, but you will love the results. This belief she has in her clients is insanely empowering. I feel so grateful that I found Victoria and would follow her wherever she goes!

My husband and I were looking to add core strength training in a workout activity we could do together. We decided to explore Pilates, and fortunately we discovered Victoria! Her classic Pilates method and approach is phenomenal for clients like us: former competitive athletes who want to challenge themselves in a healthy and sustainable way. She is able to adjust her meticulous instruction to accommodate our unique body attributes and constraints, while driving intensely fun, physically, and mentally challenging sessions. The results have been transformational! We have greater core strength, flexibility, and endurance.

I grew almost half an inch taller! Working with Victoria over the past couple of years has reversed years of poor posture brought on by leaning over a laptop and running a business. I feel better, my husband says I look even better, my old wardrobe fits, and my health and fitness have improved dramatically.

Victoria is a well-trained and highly skilled instructor who truly understands the human body. Whether on the reformer, the Cadillac, or the mat, remotely or in studio, she’s able to tailor the day’s workout around how I’m feeling while keeping me on track towards my Pilates goals. Victoria is the perfect blend of disciplined instructor and wellness coach. Her warmth and genuine caring create a trusting learning environment. My nickname for her is the Punisher, a blend of my respect, fear, affection, and admiration.

I would absolutely recommend Victoria’s classes. My subscription with VA Pilates has been the single best investment I’ve ever made in my personal wellness. If you have the will - she has the way! I have referred her to like-minded friends and family members, who have enjoyed similar results and experiences.

 I was very nervous about changing my Pilates teachers. I had been with my previous teacher for 7 or 8 years and was worried that the change would set things back. However, after my first class all my hesitation turned to anticipation and excitement. Victoria hooked me to her style from day 1!

I love Victoria’s personality, exuberance, and positive feedback. I enjoy my privates, but also love my virtual group classes. We joke about her classes being torture all the time and how much she enjoys inflicting that torture. She pushes harder than anyone I ever been taught by -in any endeavor. For me, it works. I have often described her sessions as 50 minutes of torture followed by a week of feeling absolutely wonderful and looking forward to the next class!

The physical changes I’ve noticed are many: I am stronger all over especially in my core, and I am MUCH more flexible in the hips, back, and shoulders. All three of those areas have been sticking points for me. I also notice differences in body awareness, and balance. Sometimes that awareness comes after just one class, other times it takes weeks. In the end Victoria knows where I need the work and can focus our sessions on that. My mobility, tennis skills, and endurance have all benefited greatly.

I’d absolutely recommend her classes! Victoria is much more than a Pilates instructor. She has become for me my overall fitness trainer. By working on my tough areas, I am not only better prepared for the traditional Pilates moves, but I am also prepared for any daily or sports related movements. I can summon muscles throughout the day that I never knew I had. I have learned to try to make every movement a “Pilates Move”

I had been wrestling with chronic low back tightness and muscle strains for years following a bicycling accident. Over the years I had been to numerous physical therapists, had regular deep tissue massage, and tried therapeutic yoga classes, which all helped temporarily. I was looking for a more sustainable exercise routine that would lengthen, strengthen, and create flexibility in my body; I only wanted to work with instructors who understood anatomy and injury prevention, trained in classical Pilates. I was afraid of re-injuring my back overdoing it in Pilates. Also as an older student doing Pilates for the first time I was concerned that an instructor with so much flexibility would not fully appreciate or understand my tight body or honor my fears. But right away, it was obvious to me that Victoria knows what she’s doing.

Victoria is constantly learning about the most essential elements of alignment. She works with me wherever I am that day and we keep moving forward at a pace that is both supportive and challenging. I always feel stronger and more flexible after every session. It’s empowering.

I would absolutely recommend working with Victoria, especially if you are interested in proper alignment and body awareness. I especially appreciate learning about engaging the deep core muscles and ensure I am in proper alignment. This also allows me to continue on my own at home between sessions including being more mindful of my posture in everyday activities.

In only 10 sessions with Victoria , I am standing taller and walking with confidence.

Victoria has a great talent in explaining complicated exercises in a very easy to learn way. As a student,  I am truly fascinated by her attention to detail.

I am 50 and I feel like I am 25 years old after my Pilates classes with Victoria. I signed up for three classes a week because I want to transform my body. With Victoria’s teaching and wonderful personality, I am looking at being in the best shape of my life in my 50s.

Victoria is the gold medalist of Pilates instructors. If you want to transform your life, go for the gold and choose Victoria.

I’d never received ‘virtual’ physical instruction before, so I wasn’t sure it would be possible for Victoria to meaningfully observe and provide effective feedback through the computer screen. But right away, it was obvious that she knows exactly what she’s looking for, she is very attentive and observant, and she is very attuned to subtle movements and all feedback cues — in fact, far more so than I think most people are even when “live”/in-person!

After just a couple of sessions, the biggest change I noticed was increased body awareness. Victoria’s classes help me practice “listening”’ to my body and “following the pain” so that I have a better sense of what’s happening inside, in the fascia and deep tissue. At the same time, again after just a couple of sessions, I also walked away with available and easy tools to begin addressing the “bad pain” and pursuing the “good pain” needed for overall improvement in my posture and flexibility (note— not just static posture, but the posture and form required to most beneficially and safely engage in exercise, whether that’s a Pilates movement, running or cycling, or just daily movements like lifting, bending, squatting…or even sleeping!). Together, the bodily perception and self-awareness, along with tools for improvement/progress that I can apply on my own in between classes, is pretty powerful stuff. Now, after a couple of months of weekly classes, I notice improvements in my strength … seemingly as a side result of improved alignment in the pelvis, core, and neck.

I like the way Victoria’s class allows for — demands! — focus and concentration in order to practice the very subtle movements that are at the core of Pilates. Once I get into position for a certain movement or exercise, I comfortably narrow down my sense of perception to focus only on Victoria’s guiding voice (instructions, gentle corrections, and enthusiastic encouragement) and the movement or tension of my body. Because of that, her class in a way is a form of meditation too, that leaves me feeling not just energized but also more focused and aware. This type of semi-meditative yet participatory “yielding” is possible because of the sense of trust that Victoria’s personality helps her cultivate with her students. Her keen observation of the student, combined with her engaging wit and frank approach in providing specific feedback, makes her class a highly personalized experience.

I’d highly recommend her classes to anyone. Sessions move quickly between activities so there’s no wasted time, yet it never feels rushed. If I have a question, or if I want to linger (for pain-feedback, or to improve form) in a specific area, Victoria encourages that kind of active self-exploration and engagement. Also, having the sessions recorded via video allows me to go back and repeat workouts, or sections of workouts, without the worry that I’m doing it wrong. Listening to Victoria’s careful instructions, and seeing my body positioning on the screen, I can re-visit specific areas at my own pace.

Victoria’s class provides an important opportunity to closely and carefully build self-awareness of my body, from the inside out. It creates a mentally-quiet space that forces me to pay attention to how my body enters into, performs, and finishes movement. It is an intentional experience — not a passive one — that makes me much more attuned to my body’s feedback regarding form/posture, range of motion, good pain, bad pain, strength, weakness, and breathing.

My awareness of my body has increased dramatically while practicing Pilates with Victoria. As my flexibility, balance and muscle mass have increased, I’ve become mindful of my posture and body alignment in the rest of my day. What’s more, for the first time in decades, my mind and body are aligned and I now approach fitness, sleeping, and eating with an easy sense of clarity and purpose. My wife says my clothes fit much better, too! 

What I love most is that in less than an hour a day, I’m able to challenge my strength and flexibility in a way that doesn’t impact my joints and leaves me feeling great all day long.

As a Marine Corps veteran and former college football player, I’m enormously grateful to Victoria for introducing me to Pilates. Her method of instruction is superb for anyone at any stage of their fitness journey who is dedicated to understanding and improving their body.

After spending a two-week vacation in Idaho sitting straight up, reading books resting on stacks of pillows and not being able to fish or hike with the family, the neuro-surgeon advised doing everything I could to avoid cervical spine surgery for my C3-4; C4-5; and C5-6 cervical spine disks.

Years of poor posture, too many years of road-warrior business flights, hotel pillows, and reading small devices with my head cocked down had taken its toll. After the three epidural injections to stabilize things, it was time to make behavioral changes and find a supplement to the physical therapy. I had heard about the benefits of Pilates and I started
researching and found Victoria Azor and her special focus on cervical spine issues in August 2018. Three and a half years later: no surgery; no relapses of significant and radiating neck pain; improved posture; improved mobility; better golf swing; and better quality of life!

While primarily focused on my cervical spine and mobility issues after 2 years of Pilates with Victoria, I was even more thankful to be working with her as she also focused on helping me strengthen my core. Unknown to her was the recent prostate cancer diagnosis I received.

With the cervical spine issues stabilized, Victoria began to work on breaking down the Pilates movements into the related micro-movements that targeted the inner abdominals and pelvic floor. Wow…how thankful was I when I had to make the decision to have surgery! I had six months of targeted pelvic floor micro-movements BEFORE surgery that became absolutely critical to my post-surgery recovery. It was so valuable that I told my urologist that they should be directing men toward Pilates during their prostate journey.


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